What we do
SASBAH supports all people in Sussex affected by spina bifida, hydrocephalus and other related conditions to achieve their potential, whilst promoting understanding of, and respect for, those with these conditions.
- As well as giving our service users the skills and opportunities to find employment we provide job opportunities through our unique Saspire service
- In supporting people with these life-challenging conditions, we help them participate fully in community life through networks, events and social activities
- We don’t take a ‘one size fits all’ approach. We consider each case individually, offering high quality options that fully meet our service users’ needs
- By understanding the conditions, we can offer expert advice and experience responding to needs and working and interacting with people with spina bifida, hydrocephalus and other related conditions
- Strong involvement within communities assists our work to increase their knowledge and awareness of these conditions and their respect for people living with them

39 Church Street
Eastbourne, East Sussex BN21 1HP
01825 873045
SASBAH is a registered charity
No 1175032 (ex-247430)
Company Limited by Guarantee Reg No 10994693
© 2025 SASBAH
Website: John Eldridge Design