Health & Wellbeing
The SASBAH Clinic – in partnership with the NHS a preventative health care clinic is run at Chailey clinical services, which gives those with spina bifida and hydrocephalus access to a regular check on their health. A referral from your GP is required to access this support.
Adviser Service
The SASBAH Adviser Service has been running since 1971, and provides community and home-based help to all our service users. The emphasis is on working with individuals to encourage and nurture independence rather than on dispensing ready-made solutions. Independent living and maximising opportunities for this group are the main aims, achieved through direct provision of support, advice and assistance to service users, their families, and professionals who are involved with them.

39 Church Street
Eastbourne, East Sussex BN21 1HP
01825 873045
SASBAH is a registered charity
No 1175032 (ex-247430)
Company Limited by Guarantee Reg No 10994693
© 2025 SASBAH
Website: John Eldridge Design