Getting Out & About
Social Activities
We provide a range of fun and engaging activities in small and large groups in local communities across Sussex. Trips out to pubs, cafes, tourist attractions etc. There is almost something for everyone and we listen to what you ask for and respond. These outings are accompanied by a member of SASBAH staff and are a great way to use community facilities, engage with others and make friends.
Local Support Groups
These have been developed around those that use them and take part in a wide range of activities. Open to all, our groups offer regular social gatherings for like minded people. We currently run groups in Burgess Hill, Bexhill, Crawley and Worthing. If you want to get involved its simple and great fun just get in touch.
Bourne Free
This is a social group that runs in Eastbourne for any young people. It meets once a fortnight on a Wednesday evening at Ratton School from 6-8pm. The group activities include sports, arts, games etc. The central element to this group is having fun, making friends and enjoying social time together.
Residential Breaks
Apart from providing much needed respite for carers our residential breaks are great fun. We provide a range of holidays that are age specific that involve activities that suit you. To find out more get in touch.

39 Church Street
Eastbourne, East Sussex BN21 1HP
01825 873045
SASBAH is a registered charity
No 1175032 (ex-247430)
Company Limited by Guarantee Reg No 10994693
© 2025 SASBAH
Website: John Eldridge Design